نشرت الصفحة الخاصة بدار houseofpaisley عبر تطبيق "إنستغرام" صورةً للرئيس المكلّف تشكيل الحكومة سعد الحريري، مرتديًا سترة "T-shirt"من تصميم هذه الدار.
وأعربت الدار عن فخرها بدعم الحريري للتصميم اللبناني.
What an absolute honour to be acknowledged by the true guardian of the code, the one and only, His Excellency, Prime Minister @saadhariri 🙏 Thank you Mr. Prime Minister for taking the time to support us, Lebanese Designers. We are ever so grateful to have had such a privilege. This is a milestone for House of Paisley ❤️ #HisExcellency #PrimeMinister #SaadHariri #Citizen961 #GuardianOfTheCode #ProudlyLebanese #Honour #Pride #Lebanese #LebaneseDesigners #RockTheHop #HoP #HouseOfPaisley #Fashion #Beirut #Lebanon #بيروت #لبنان #سعد_الحريري #دولة_الرئيس #بفخر_و_اعتزاز A post shared by House of Paisley (@houseofpaisley) on Jun 28, 2018 at 12:18pm PDT
What an absolute honour to be acknowledged by the true guardian of the code, the one and only, His Excellency, Prime Minister @saadhariri 🙏 Thank you Mr. Prime Minister for taking the time to support us, Lebanese Designers. We are ever so grateful to have had such a privilege. This is a milestone for House of Paisley ❤️ #HisExcellency #PrimeMinister #SaadHariri #Citizen961 #GuardianOfTheCode #ProudlyLebanese #Honour #Pride #Lebanese #LebaneseDesigners #RockTheHop #HoP #HouseOfPaisley #Fashion #Beirut #Lebanon #بيروت #لبنان #سعد_الحريري #دولة_الرئيس #بفخر_و_اعتزاز
A post shared by House of Paisley (@houseofpaisley) on Jun 28, 2018 at 12:18pm PDT